Rationis Development s.r.o.

Your technology

Gain access to cutting-edge technologies and expertise in .NET and React to grow your business smoothly.

Rationis Development s.r.o.

Our service

Consultancy services

Consultancy services

Technology consulting: we offer expert advice on selecting and implementing .NET, React and Microsoft Azure cloud services to optimize your software projects.

Optimizing dev ops and dev experience: optimizing DevOps and dev experience increases the efficiency and satisfaction of your development teams, who can focus fully on development activities, thereby reducing costs.



If you are short of capacity, we can dedicate up to entire teams to your product development needs. We are able to develop parts of the solution independently, take responsibility over certain modules or participate in the development of entire applications. We specialize in developing cloud and backend applications on the .NET platform in the latest versions in C# and hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud or on premise. We develop frontend in React technology and associated JS ecosystem. We have experience in cross-platform mobile and tablet app development, especially in Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI.

Rationis Development s.r.o.

How we work

We work on our own products in an agile way, communicating through Microsoft Teams and using Azure DevOps. We’re used to git. On our previous projects, we’ve experienced different methodologies including waterfall, using communication channels like Slack and outsourcing work through Jira or Youtrack. With our experience, we are able to adapt to your needs.

Rationis Development s.r.o.

Why choose us


We offer deep technical knowledge and experience on .NET and React platforms, which allows us to provide cutting-edge services and innovative solutions.

Experienced team
Experienced team

Our teams are made up of highly skilled professionals who are passionate about what they do and have many years of experience in the industry.

Satisfied customers
Satisfied customers

We have been cooperating with many partners for many years and thanks to their satisfaction they still turn to us.

Certified professionals
Certified professionals

Our developers hold a number of certifications in software development, demonstrating their expertise and deep knowledge. We are a Microsoft silver software development partner and a member of the Microsoft for ISV program.

Emphasis on quality
Emphasis on quality

We place a high value on the quality of our service and results, from the start of a project to its completion, to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Flexible collaboration models
Flexible collaboration models

We offer different models of cooperation that can be adapted to your needs and budget, from project contracts to long-term outsourcing.

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